Wednesday, 6 June 2007

ThanetCAN Events Calendar

Thanks to those nice people at Google, there is now a ThanetCAN Events Calendar. Very much in its early stages, but the idea is that it will become a one-stop reference for the arts-related events in the area (and the air show, powerboat racing and horse shows) - as long as you tell us what's on. So add a comment with any events, or volunteer to maintain and update the Calendar itself.

ThanetCAN Calendar

And if you suggest an event please provide enough detail for an entry: date, location, title and where available a URL to link to. I'm not going to try to include film and theatre listings, more news on where to find them easily coming soon . . .


Anonymous said...

This all sounds like a great idea. I've added you to the Thanet BLog List too.

Anonymous said...

Good words.